Paidi Kinderwelten
PAIDI have over 75 years experience in developing and manufacturing children's beds and rooms. Our furniture meets the needs of the new members of the next generation perfectly.
Due to the high level of workmanship and the gearing of the products to the needs of the smallest family members, generations of parents have put their trust in PAIDI. With a PAIDI children's room you can be sure that you are providing your child with a safe, secure environment as soon as it begins to explore its surroundings.
If there is one area of the home for which a successful synthesis of attractiveness, functionality, durability and safety is essential, then it is a children's room. Especially in the first years of their life children require their own personal living space where they can best become acquainted with their environment.
The current product range of PAIDI-Möbel GmbH is a prime example of the ideal fusion of the various requirements placed on contemporary children's rooms to create a perfect overall concept. For more than 75 years the name PAIDI has stood for living environ-ments that are suitable for children, and our highest priority is always to strictly fulfil their needs.
All PAIDI babies’ and children‘s beds are manufactured exclusively according to DIN EN 716 and the play, loft and bunk beds in accordance with DIN EN 747 – both norms lay down strict guidelines for the safety of children‘s beds.
PRE ORDER - Lead time 3 months (Expected shipment date 30 March 2017)
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